A License to Live:
Campaign Leadership for Students
Develop a student-lead in-school marketing campaign to educate students, and even the extended community, on how to practice safe driving behaviors. The project seeks to affect not only student driving, passenger, pedestrian behaviors, but also these same behaviors among all residents in the community.
Friend, NE High School Students kick off the first A License to Live Campaign.
Involves a representative group of student leaders, administration, faculty, local law enforcement, area residents, and businesses. A specific plan for your school can be developed through a student organization such as S.A.D.D, FBLA, DECA, Student Council, etc. with faculty support. Tom Everson, Executive Director of KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® is available to assist in facilitating this process and to provide ongoing consultation. Safe driving initiatives that can be integrated into planning include:
- Be Aware! Drive With Care™
- Check Your Speed® / No Need To Speed®
- It’s Not A Race! Create Space®
- Flashing Your Brights™ (Tools for assisting young people in addressing
risky behaviors behind the wheel, as a passenger, pedestrian or cyclist) - Ford Motor Company Fund’s Driving Skills for Life
To root and sustain safe driving, passenger, pedestrian behaviors within the culture of the school so that the campaign engages each new class of students. In short, the “safe driving” torch is passed from class to class. Additional goals can be developed by students/advisors to develop measurable outcomes to gauge success over time to impact your entire community.
Local sponsors can be engaged to underwrite costs associated with implementing plan developed by student group. These could include “Message Boards” such as keychains, billboards, audio and visual Public Service Messages, etc. Message delivery channels would be determined by student leadership with support of administrative advisors. Grants can be explored through State Dept. of Transportation, local law enforcement, area foundations, businesses and civic organizations. Questions? Contact Tom Everson at 402-334-1391 or kkad25@kkad25.org.
Starting a Student-Led Campaign
To get started, please contact Tom Everson at 402-334-1391 or kkad25@kkad25.org.