Flashing Your Brights® - Dare to Care
A Workshop/Presentation for Teenagers, Adults/Parents, Educators
Presented by Tom Everson, MRE
Flashing Your Brights® - Dare to Care
A series of five tools to support young people and adults alike in being effective helpers for both peers and family members to address risk behaviors. This interactive presentation helps participants to address issues such as problem drinking (or other drug use), unsafe driving behaviors, and other tough issues. Practice in implementing these tools is an essential part of this presentation/workshop.
Flashing Your Brights® is a metaphor for action based on how we act behind the wheel at night when a vehicle approaches without its headlights on. At times like these we do what is in our power to do –flash our brights- in order to catch the attention of the driver so that s/he can take responsible action; that is, turn on their lights. Similarly we all must be equipped with the tools necessary to keep ourselves and others safe when faced with peers, adults, and family members engaging in risk behaviors.
These tools for Flashing Your Brights® include:
How to say what you see
How to say you care
How to say what you know
How to set your boundaries
How to share hope
Flashing Your Brights is grounded in 3 understandings. These are:
We all need a support team of adult mentors and informed, caring peers.
Change takes time.
Flashing Your Brights are tools, not rules. Tools are adaptable in addressing many risk issues.
Don’t leave your toolbox at home. Dare to care by Flashing Your Brights®.
For more information, please contact Tom Everson, MRE at 402-334-1391 or Tom@kkad25.org.
Tom Everson- Founder of Keep Kids Alive Drive 25®
Training and Consultation Services for Youth, Family,
and Risk Issues
12418 C Street, Omaha, NE 68144 402-334-1391 or Tom@kkad25.org