Keeping Students Safe
Many communities integrate KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® into their Safe Routes to Schools initiatives. Safe Routes targets creation of safe environments that promote walking and bike-riding within a two mile radius of a school. As such, it is important to address the speed of traffic and the need to stop at stop signs and crosswalks in neighborhoods that surround school zones. For consultation and/or on-site assistance, contact Tom Everson at 402-334-1391 or
Promoting Safety for Students:
Tips and Ideas for Success
Local businesses can sponsor KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25®Community Start-up Kits to distribute through School PTA/PTO groups to help initiate the campaign.
Present a KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® keychain to new drivers upon receiving their drivers license. Offer these same key chains to participants in defensive driving courses.
Student Council getting involved in introducing KEEP KIDS ALIVEDRIVE 25® to the community as well as to peers within the high school.
- Future Business Leaders of America groups in high schools setting up a business to sell KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25®products to community sponsors (civic groups, businesses, neighborhood associations, etc.) in order to introduce the campaign to the community.
- A high school in St. Louis, MO gave each student a KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® static cling window decal along with their parking permit.
- Traffic Safety Public Service Announcements are available through KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® for use in School and Community newsletters.
- Escondido, CA posted a KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® street sign at the exit driveway of all elementary schools as a reminder to drivers as they head into neighborhoods. Several schools in Nebraska and Iowa have added to this idea by posting SEAT BELTS – FASTENATING!® signs to their parking lot exits. Businesses can do this too.
- The PTA at Fullerton Elementary School in Omaha does a Spring Festival fund-raiser to benefit the safety patrol.
- Harrison Elementary PTA along with 2 other area schools in Omaha distribute KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® trash can decals to school families to get the message curbside. 2 PTOs at schools in Shrewsbury New Jersey have sent home a decal for each family to affix to their trash can.
- Bike Montclair and the Wayne School District in New Jersey each sponsored a KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® Poster Contest for students.
- In Omaha, the Safety and Health Council adopted KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® as their back-to-school safety campaign. The campaign kicked off with a rally at a local elementary school where 100 children paraded around the parking lot with KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® yard signs (minus the sign stakes - we wanted to promote safety, not have anyone lose eyesight!). Local media covered the event.
- In Arapahoe, NE and Florence, AL, KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® street signs were erected in neighborhoods surrounding school zones to alert motorists to be more cautious before actually entering these zones. The campaign in Florence expanded when neighborhood association also began erecting KEEP KIDS ALIVEDRIVE 25® street signs (paid for by residents). A neighborhood in Wichita, KS has also implemented this approach. Arapahoe expanded their efforts by erecting additional KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® street signs the next year.
- Stage a Kick-off rally with the yard signs at a local school or schools. Then distribute signs to neighbors living along routes to school to mark the safe routes to school (neighbors would volunteer to erect signs in their yards)
- Reinforce the message by erecting street signs in neighborhoods which surround school zones (solicit cooperation of neighborhood associations and local businesses to help cover the cost of signs - in Adams, NE, 13 local businesses chipped in to cover cost of street signs. This could be complemented by grant funds, if available - in Lincoln, NE, neighborhoods applied for Neighborhood Watch grants to initiate a KEEP KIDS ALIVEDRIVE 25® campaign.)
- Neighborhood organizations can make KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® yard signs available for students who attend the neighborhood elementary school. The idea is to rotate the signs from child to child based on some sort of achievement. This will hopefully get awareness out to many parents and also allow the signs to pop up in different parts of the neighborhood so they don't become static and unobserved. It will also provide a sense of ownership and pride to the child who gets to "adopt" the sign for the week.
- Use KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® as an educational fundraiser with community impact. KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® products can be sold to get the message out to the community, while at the same time raising funds for school needs.
- Place the KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® on mouse pads, rulers, etc. to keep the message in front of children and teenagers as they grow. One PTA has given every student a KEEP KIDS ALIVEDRIVE 25® pencil simply to plant a seed of awareness. The City of Walkersville, MD is passing out static window stickers to parents of all elementary school children.
- City Council can work with local PTAs to seed the campaign in neighborhoods adjacent to schools.
- Add KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® street signs or decals to digital display radar trailers in and around school zones. (Some communities are already doing this.)
For More Information
Please contact Tom Everson at 402-334-1391 or