Live Forward!® Weekend | Pikes Peak, CO
September 18-21, 2025 - Colorado Springs, CO
Your donation helps cover travel and lodging costs for families to experience our Live Forward!® weekend in Colorado. In addition, each family receives specially tailored “Live Forward!®” shirts honoring their loved one(s). A special celebration of love dinner concludes the weekend.
The Latest from KKAD25®
Check out our “Keep Kids Alive” Podcast” - Inspiring stories inviting us all to “practice the better” to keep ourselves and others safe on and along roadways.
We're all about bringing good into the world by creating living legacies in memory of each loved-one who died in a traffic incident. Please check in regularly about KKAD25’s upcoming events!
The #SafeRoadsForRogi campaign featured weekly memes of Rogi the corgi sharing traffic safety messages.
Our Mission
The mission of KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® is to make streets safer for all who walk, cycle, play, drive, and ride. Doing so preserves lives and relationships.
Start a Campaign
On an average day in America over 100 loved ones die in traffic incidents. Today is your opportunity to make a difference by helping to prevent these deaths.
Engage your community and help save lives by starting a KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® campaign in your own neighborhood. We provide all the information you need to begin, and we're always glad to share ideas and offer assistance as your campaign develops.
Featured News and Media
Check out our YouTube channel
Other KKAD25 Initiatives
KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® pursues its mission to keep streets safe through a number of other initiatives as well.
Experience a once in a lifetime two hour tour of over 130 classic American Muscle cars with collector Peter Fink, owner of Certified Transmission. The event supports the 26+ year mission of Keep Kids Alive Drive 25.